
Parenting expert reveals why keeping routine during summer holidays is NOT a good idea

Pictured: Kirsty with son Leo and Daughter Ella.

In a revolutionary stance that could bring relief to weary parents everywhere, child-rearing expert Kirsty Ketley, 42, has laid bare why following the term-time routine during the summer holidays might not be the wisest course of action.

The Surrey-based specialist, recognised for her debunking of common parenting myths and ill-advised tips, argues that parents should shake off the guilt associated with letting the traditional routine slide during the holiday period.

“Striving to uphold the regular routine can heighten stress levels for everyone involved,” Ketley divulged in an interview with NeedToKnow.co.uk.

She emphasised that instead of maintaining a rigid schedule, families often form a unique ‘holiday routine,’ offering a refreshing change from the term-time regimen.

“Such a routine allows for a slower, more relaxed pace that children usually relish, barring a few exceptions when early start times might be necessary,” Ketley highlighted.

Moreover, she advised parents to brace themselves for inevitable changes to their routine during school holidays, stressing, “Trying to rigidly adhere to the term-time routine during holidays is practically unfeasible.”

Credit: Jam Press

At her home, Ketley and her family adopt what they refer to as their ‘holiday routine,’ characterised by later bedtimes, wake-up times, and adjusted meal hours.

“Usually, the children prefer to indulge in play or some television time before breakfast, pushing meal times about an hour later than on a typical school day,” she illustrated.

She stressed that cues from the children help them discern when to head to bed, adding, “With the day’s activities taking a toll on them, children often end up sleeping later during holidays, meaning they wake up a bit later – an incidental perk for us parents!”

Ketley acknowledged that the suggested approach may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, especially for families with children under the age of five, who might need a more structured routine.

Despite championing a relaxed routine, Ketley did not dismiss the value of a schedule entirely.

She explained, “For numerous parents, adhering to a routine alleviates anxiety around readjusting to regular life post-holidays. The fear that their child won’t acclimate to a divergent schedule can be daunting.”

She added, “It’s more about allowing flexibility in the routine, being a bit more laid-back, and focusing on fulfilling children’s needs rather than being bound by the clock.”

As for the apprehensions about transitioning back to school, Ketley dismissed them as unnecessary.

Ketley concluded, “A gradual return to the term-time routine could be attempted the week before school restarts, but honestly, children are likely to be fatigued regardless when they return to school. So, there’s no need to fret. Even if you’re still on holiday during the last week, just enjoy. Your kids will be alright, and they’ll soon readjust.”

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