
Liquid Death has ultimate comeback to ‘internet troll’ who compared product to ‘licking sweat’

Liquid Death
Liquid Death

Drinks manufacturer Liquid Death has articulated a flawless riposte to an online detractor who compared their drink to the perspiration of an overweight individual – a move that has even garnered commendation from Jackass’ Steve-O.

Liquid Death, in response to a criticism left on their recent social media post, decided to take this derision in stride. The anonymous critic made unflattering remarks about the taste of their water and iced tea offering, stating, “I’d prefer to sample the sweat from an overweight man’s back than consume Liquid Death.”

The US-based firm, which also has a considerable market presence in the UK, didn’t simply shrug off this remark. Instead, they chose to validate the claim with an entertaining 83-second commercial titled ‘Better than back sweat? Official test’.

Credit: Liquid Death

The brand’s ingenious approach to managing customer experience has had social media users applauding, often through bouts of laughter.

The footage portrays a sizeable individual, Zach ‘Zachass’ Holmes, intensifying the perspiration quotient by running in a heated sauna.

Liquid Death
Credit: Liquid Death

Subsequently, ten civilians were enlisted to participate in a blind test. They were asked to sip from a Liquid Death can before being invited to taste the sweat off the man’s back. They then had to choose between the two options.

Participant reactions varied from a blunt ‘F*** no’ to a whispered ‘Sweet Jesus’ as they rolled their tongues on Zach’s skin.

Credit: Liquid Death

Following the test, the camera captures participants discarding the saline residue in a bin – evidently a palate cleanser after the unconventional sampling.

Credit: Liquid Death

The ad campaign ended on a high note, with unanimous approval for Option A – a can of Liquid Death.

“It’s official. Ten out of ten individuals find the flavor of Liquid Death preferable to licking sweat from an overweight man’s back,” the advertisement concludes.

Andy Pearson, the proprietor of Liquid Death, who posted the video on social media, stated, “We at Liquid Death consider internet critiques with utmost seriousness.

“Therefore, when an anonymous internet critic remarked that they’d prefer to ‘taste the sweat off an overweight man’s back than drink Liquid Death,’ we felt compelled to act.

Credit: Liquid Death

“In order to substantiate their claim, we assembled ten genuine individuals and Zach “Zackass” Holmes to participate in a legitimate taste test to determine the superior choice.”

The company’s actions have garnered considerable praise from the social media community – including the likes of Steve-O, who succinctly labeled the move as “fantastic!”

Social media users chimed in with humorous comments such as, “I’d prefer to taste sweat from Ryan Gosling’s abs than drink Liquid Death,” and “The sample size is too small, I remain unconvinced. I demand a larger sample size, say 100+ licks.” Other suggestions for new product flavors included “Liquid Death: Salt & Vinegar.”

Meanwhile, one user jested, “The last participant should be monitored by the FBI considering the enthusiasm he exhibited while licking his back.”

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