Property owner slams Autumn Budget as an 'attack on landlords,' claiming stamp duty hikes on second homes will hurt small landlords and raise rental demand.
Deborah Meaden stars in a 90s rap-inspired video for Fussy, promoting natural deodorant with catchy lyrics and battling 'aluminium aliens' to banish body odour sustainably.
How a savvy 32-year-old from Manchester slashed £150 off his monthly energy bills with smart tips ahead of the UK's predicted 10% winter price hike.
A woman landed four job offers in a month after removing her graduation year from her resume to avoid age bias, showing how a simple tweak can significantly impact job searches.
Christina Schwendeman shares how she retired at 39, moved to Italy, and transformed her life through early retirement and travel. Discover her path to financial freedom.
Finance expert Joel Matthews shares top tips for boosting your salary, including negotiating raises and openly discussing money, as he climbs from £15k to £90k annually.
West Yorkshire man saves £5,000 by collecting £1 coins in a Coca-Cola bottle over four years. His TikTok video revealing the total goes viral with 1.6 million views.
Laid off three times in three years, Giovanna Ventola shares her "genius" job search tip: mass applying on Mondays to maximize success.
Mum Beth Fuller earns up to £6,000 extra monthly through TikTok, clearing £8,000 debt. She shares budgeting tips, earning £16,800 in 7 months. Her goal: buy her mum a house.
A landlord advises seizing the opportunity despite rising interest rates in the property market, stressing the importance of budget review, market research, and long-term vision.
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