A self-made millionaire has shared why he wants to make every manager in his company a millionaire – and why embracing failure is the only way to make it in business.
Fed up with dead-end jobs, James Dooley, 40, made his fortune by gambling £10,000 of his savings on starting his own SEO business.
The mogul from Manchester, whose company, Promo SEO, is now worth £20 million, is now sharing the love – and the cash.
He hopes to make each of his managers “rich” – even if they don’t want to be.
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Speaking on The Online Performance Podcast, the dad-of-two revealed how helping others flourish in their careers helps him to stay motivated.
“Every single one of us wants something different from life and there’s no one size fits all,” James told host Jason Mills.
“I want to make all my middle managers millionaires – even if they don’t want that – as it’s motivation for me.
“If I make [someone] partner, [I need to know] if that’s going to motivate them as much as I am.
“When things go wrong, is that person going to roll up their sleeves and help me get out of the trenches together or are they going to lie down and quit?”
James has previously shared how, growing up, his parents taught him that “life is all about what you put into it”.
On the podcast, he’s asked: “Where is the end goal for you?”

He says: “I’ve seen it happen a few times, it doesn’t matter what the figure is – but the people who set themselves a goal, when they hit that goal, […] tell me [they’ve] got this feeling of emptiness.
“I don’t have an end goal.
“My end goal, today, is to be happy – enjoy today, not think about tomorrow.
“No value is going to give happiness.
“Just actually be proud that when you wake up, you’ve got a roof over your head and you can put a tap on and clean water comes out.
“My end goal is to try to be as happy as I can today, more than what I was yesterday and hopefully tomorrow, I’ll be happier than I am today.”
The 40-year-old, who is the youngest of three brothers, also disclosed the key to becoming a successful businessman – getting out of the comfort zone and “thriving off losing”.
James said: “I think too many people are scared [and] I think too many people do business within their comfort zone.
“You’ve got to try and find people that […] elevate your weaknesses, so you’re growing together.
“It’s better for an extrovert to work with an introvert.
“I can get back up and go again.
“Every day I treat as a school day to try and evolve.
“We’ve failed more times than you can imagine trying [different things] and we’ve tried everything – and the stuff that does work, we’ve doubled down on.
“[People] don’t push the boundaries because they’re scared of failure, but I embrace that failure.”
A millionaire of his own making, James lives a comfortable life, but doesn’t care much for materialistic things.
He prioritises time and experiences with his wife, Kerri, 37, and their two kids – Anastasia, three and Tommy, one.

The dad said: “Online success has allowed me to travel the world, have free time and work from any place.
“It allows you to earn money […] in your sleep.
“I’ve been brought up with the mindset that the harder you work, the more money you earn – but this is completely different.
“I can set up things that during sleeping will earn me money.
“I don’t need to prove myself to anyone – I look after my friends, staff and my family – everybody else, I don’t care about.”
James ended with giving his top tips for anybody starting in the digital industry, with a firm message.

He added: “I’d go work in an SEO agency, reinvest, but stay away from affiliate marketing, and networking is key.
“Use YouTube, Twitter [etc] and follow the right people and harbour their knowledge.
“Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone – it’s very lonely and [that can] put people off.
“In my opinion, the people that seem to do the best aren’t the ones that are ‘penny pinching’ , it’s the ones that are trying to offer value and deliver more than what they’re getting back.
“You’ve got to give, not take, and you’ll get so much more in return.”
This article was originally featured on AbsolutelyBusiness.com.
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